Stewart Mill Lift Station

DMP designed a new Stewart Mill Lift Station, new force main, and gravity sewer outfall along Interstate 40/85 between Mount Hope Church Road and Rock Creek Dairy Road exits in Greensboro, NC.  

The new lift station location opened sewer service to a large drainage area on the north side of the I40/I85 corridor contiguous to the new lift station site.   The first phase of the project was designing a gravity sewer crossing of Little Alamance Creek and the interstate to reach the new service area.  The project was part of a broad economic development project to provide sewer service for a potential data center and business park. 

Our team designed 870 LF of 30” gravity sewer and 400 LF of 36” gravity sewer, along with providing surveying and easement services. The crossing of Little Alamance Creek required a 300 LF aerial section which was designed for both a 36” gravity sewer and 30” force main.  The interstate crossing included 340 LF of 54” tunnel under the six-lane interstate and Millstream Road.  The Design Team also performed a flood study and because of the aerial sewer segment, stream and wetland delineations, NCDEQ, and NCDOT permitting for the project. 

The project was awarded a 2020 Honors Award at the ACEC/NC Engineering Excellence Awards.

Services Provided:

  • Surveying
  • Final Design
  • Permitting
  • Procurement assistance
  • Construction Administration

The Importance of Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) in Civil Projects