DMP's Subsurface Utility Engineering services can help utility owners, designers, engineers, and contractors avoid costly utility conflicts by accurately mapping existing underground utilities. Identifying the precise location of subsurface utilities before beginning major excavations creates massive cost savings, and ensures that disturbances to existing utility customers are kept to a minimum. Our location in High Point, within the heart of North Carolina, provides us with excellent access to all parts of our service area.
Why don't we know what's underground?Existing records of underground site conditions are often incorrect and incomplete. On some older sites, there have been multiple utility owners, architects, engineers, and contractors installing facilities and burying objects over the years. Records for many older sites can be inaccurate or may no longer exist. SUE allows us to discover where buried objects are located so we can avoid accidents, reduce utility interruptions, and help eliminate unnecessary construction costs.
When To Use SUESUE can be used with good results on a variety of projects including, but not limited to: new building construction, hospital and school maintenance projects, water line, sewer line, pump station, force main, or any public works project or construction project where subsurface utilities may be encountered.
DMP has your SUE SolutionDMP is able to provide all levels of SUE services, as defined by ASCE and DOT:
Stability... Value... Experience... let our experience make yours better!